Product Enhancements

Jean Harrison

Automatically add kids to herd from Kidding, linking kids to herd animals released

We’ve released two highly-requested features: The ability to automatically kids to the herd when adding a Kidding event, and the ability to link kids to their herd animal records.


Automatically adding kids when adding a Kidding event

When you have set your preference to automatically add kids to your herd when they are added to a does’ Kidding event, a herd record will be created for every kid added to when the “Kidding” and “Pregnancy terminated early” Outcomes are selected.


In addition to creating a herd record for the kid, the following information will be set in the herd animal record:


• The animal’s Name and Barn/Nickname (if indicated), otherwise the system will create a Name and Barn/Nickname
• Notes added in the kid record will be added to the Notes section of the animal’s herd record
• A birth weight event will be added to the herd animal record’s Health page when a birth weight is indicated and the user is a Performance Plan subscriber
• Pedigrees will be automatically built based on the dam and sire info in the breeding record
• The kids will display in the dam and sire’s progeny lists, regardless of birth status
• Any other Profile information added to the Add Kid form
• The Source will be set as “Born in my Herd”


See it in action:


Linking existing herd animals to the kid record in the Kidding event

You can link existing herd animals with the Source “Born in my herd” and non-herd members such as pedigree animals to a Kid record in a Kidding event.


Linking the herd animal record with the kid record in the Kidding event creates a quick link to the herd animal record, and updates the following information in the herd animal record:


• The animal’s Date of Birth is updated to the Kidding Date
• The animal’s gender is set to the gender in the Kid Record
• The animal’s Dam is set to the Dam associated with the Kidding record
• The animal’s Sire is set to the Sire associated with the Kidding record
• The animal’s conception type will be updated to that in the Kidding record

Jean Harrison

Enhanced duplicate event checking for per-animal health activities, new fields added

During the feedback collection period following the release of batch entry for health events in late July, the EasyKeeper team had the opportunity to focus on making some highly-requested updates.

Enhancements to heath events and health event reminders

The enhancements to potential duplicate event checking introduced with batch entry for health events has been added to the per-animal add health event flows and the add health event reminder flows.

New fields added to animal profile

Two new fields have been added to the Description section of the animal profile:

  • Eye color. This fields provides tracking of eye color based on the color terms used…
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Jean Harrison

The new EasyKeeper with batch entry

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest feature, batch entry for health events.

No more entering records individually! Batch entry revolutionizes the process by creating events to be applied to all — or just some — of the animals in your herd. Now, with just a few clicks you can add an unlimited number of health records to your herd at one time.

Save time while improving records accuracy

The benefit of recording your animals’ health records in a batch is twofold:

Applying animal records via the event templates significantly shortens the amount of time it takes to enter the…

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Jean Harrison

Add Pedigree animal flow streamlined, new lookup parameters added

We are excited to have released a highly requested enhancement to the Add Pedigree Animal function. These updates greatly speed up the process of adding animals that are already in the herd’s data to animal pedigrees.

The first step of adding an animal to a pedigree now provides a lookup via a type-ahead search. As you start typing in the animal’s Full Name, Barn/Nickname, Registration id, or any of its identification numbers including tattoos, id tags, RFID or Scrapie program ids, matches from the herd’s data will display for selection. Selecting the animal adds it and any of its ancestors…

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Jean Harrison

Pearson’s Square on the EasyKeeper Extension

We are excited to add our first tool to the EasyKeeper Extension, the Pearson’s Square rations balancer. With this tool you’ll be able to determine the proper mix of two different feedstuffs to reach a target nutritional percentage. The Pearson’s Square is incredibly useful when you are mixing rations to optimize weight and production or eliminate feed waste.

We currently support a large number of feedstuffs as well as calculations for crude protein, total digestible nutrient, calcium and phosphorus, but we would like to hear from you about any other feedstuffs or nutrients you’d find valuable to have…

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Jean Harrison

EasyList. Your inbox. Your schedule.

We are pleased to announce the release of one of our most highly-requested features, EasyList. EasyList is an email version of your herd task and activities schedule. Its format and function are similar to the Dashboard in the EasyKeeper herd management software.

With EasyList, users can stay on top of what’s happening in their herd without needing to log in to EasyKeeper.

To meet the needs of herd owners with different needs, EasyList is highly customizable. Users can select which day(s) of the week that they want to receive an updated EasyList as well as the number of weeks in advance…

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Jean Harrison

EasyKeeper gets a new look!

EasyKeeper Herd Manager for Goats is now simply EasyKeeper Herd Manager, with a new look and feel that will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. The new site/app is result of user input, many moons of hard work and coding, lots of meetings and drawings, a lot of laughs and a few tears.

The new look is easy on the eyes, with an easy on-demand slide out navigation on the pubic site giving you access to a news area, clearer product descriptions and less clutter. Right above the slide out navigation you’ll find a persistent button that’ll always get you…

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